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Feb. 1, 2022

202: Systems Thinking Applied To Mindsets - Tessa Clarke, CEO of OLIO

202: Systems Thinking Applied To Mindsets - Tessa Clarke, CEO of OLIO

As a woman growing up on a farm, Tessa hates to waste food, and it made her decide to change and help the environment.

Tessa Clarke Tessa is a startup founder who thrives in challenging environments, and has a strong track record of driving change. She grew up on a farm and knows how much hard work goes into producing the food we all eat, and absolutely 'hates' throwing it away. When she was moving country and the removal men said she has to bin their food, she couldn't do it and it was when the OLIO app was born. OLIO is now helping save millions of food items from being thrown away. It's also changing peoples relationships with food and increasing connections with neighbours. And they are just getting started! Tessa is a systems thinker and despite facing massive challenges against her, she has been able to positively shift the mindsets of people to create positive change in the world. Tessa is truly an inspiration and in this episode we could only touch on some of the brilliance of her thoughts and how she goes about changing herself and the world. 03:03 - Knowing Who is Tessa and her life 07:14 - Tessa's Advise 10:07 - What is Olio? 11:33 - Funding and Community of Olio 12:40 - Seed Round 16:55 - Overcoming Barriers 21:51 - Olio's Competition 24:04 - Childhood Character and Development 30:20 - Lifestyle of the Present World 35:49 - _Leading a Sustainable Lifestyle 39:35 - Growth Mindset 43:17Mindset in Climate Crisis Resources Dana Kanze TedTalk speech (https://www.ted.com/talks/dana_kanze_the_real_reason_female_entrepreneurs_get_less_funding?language=en) The Lean Startup by Eric Ries (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Lean-Startup-Innovation-Successful-Businesses/dp/0670921602) Connect with Tessa Olio (https://olioex.com/) LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/tecook/) Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/tlfclarke) Twitter (https://twitter.com/TessaLFClarke) Connect with Sam: LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharris48/) ReasonFM (https://reason.fm/user/Sam) Sam's newsletter on creativity and entrepreneurship - Explosive Thinking (https://explosivethinking.substack.com/) Sam's podcast on books - Wiser than Yesterday (https://www.wiserpod.com) Support the Show - Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/growthmindset) Subscribe! If you enjoyed the podcast please subscribe and rate it. And of course, share with your friends! Special Guest: Tessa Clarke.

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