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Jan. 27, 2020

87: Brain Computer Interface Development - Shifra Khan

87: Brain Computer Interface Development - Shifra Khan

An awesomely inspiring podcast on Shifra Khan, a young BCI programmer. We go through topics such as nonconforming schooling, learning empathy, Brain Computer Interface, the future of technology and more about our guest.

This episode shows how hungry Shifra is to learn as much as possible. She was also candid about her difficulties and feelings. Her thirst for knowledge is huge and Shifra has the right mindset of seeking to know what is true rather than proving herself correct.

Shifra Khan, a 16 year old BCI developer and Nanotech enthusiast, is on a mission to solve some of humanity’s biggest problems. Shifra is working on identifying huge economically incentivized problems within different industries, roles, and technologies. Being part of TKS - The Knowledge Society, a global community of the world's most curious, driven, and ambitious people that want to make an impact, Shifra honed her abilities as an innovator and an activator. Contact Us You can find out more about us and chat about anything you like Shifra: LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/shifrakhan/) Medium (https://medium.com/@shifrakhancah) Twitter (https://twitter.com/ShifraKhan) ABOUT THE HOST My name is Sam Harris. I am a British entrepreneur, investor and explorer. From hitchhiking across Kazakstan to programming AI doctors I am always pushing myself in the spirit of curiosity and Growth. My background is in Biology and Psychology with a passion for improving the world and human behaviour. I have built and sold companies from an early age and love coming up with unique ways to make life more enjoyable and meaningful. Sam: Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/samjamsnaps/) Quora (https://www.quora.com/profile/Sam-Harris-58) Twitter (https://twitter.com/samharristweets) LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharris48/) Sam's blog - SamWebsterHarris.com (https://samwebsterharris.com/) Support the Show - Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/growthmindset) SAM’S TAKE HOME TIPS Getting Unconventional Success by taking the Unconventional Path The path to success is different for each of us and the path to success is no longer linear. You can create literally anything you want that you're passionate about. You have to take charge of your path, own your differences, and cultivate habits that will allow you to succeed in any environment. Stay Curious Even if you are not sure what you want to do, pay attention to what you love. If you have an expansive curiosity, don’t feel pressured. At the same time, you will need a clear vision to guide your career and give it forward momentum. Man up, or shall I say, Woman up! Once you’ve found your own theme, try to get exposure to every aspect of that industry or process. Even if your career path seems unclear, your talents and interest could one day bloom into something truly amazing. The mindset is you got to learn to figure stuff out"< The Future of Technology is both Promising and Scary Technology has made a tremendous improvement in our lives. It’s hard to function in today’s society without some knowledge of the Internet and computers in general. Technology has changed the ways of education and learning, by providing us the information and data we need in a matter of seconds. But, when it comes to technological advances, people seem to split into two groups: The first one being those who are excited about what the future might hold, and the second one — those who are gravely concerned about the possible dangers of new technologies. Several controversial topics has been talked about in the technological field. These are CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats), Nanotechnology, DARPA's military research and even BCI. These advancements bring up a number of ethical issues worth questioning: Ethical and regulatory challenges Robots as intelligent as humans Neurohacking And much more All in all, the way technology will affect our future depends solely on us. For now, let’s enjoy the present and work towards making a better future for the next generations to come. Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable Doing stuff alone, being with yourself and learning who you are, would be helpful points in being comfortable with yourself. Put yourself in as many uncomfortable situations until you find your silver lining. Don’t be afraid to be selfish. It might just make you a better person. Show Notes The Knowledge Society TKS was started by two brothers, Navid and Nadeem Nathoo, who wanted to create what they wish they had growing upm which is to develop the next-generation of activators that will solve the world's most important problems If we can train Olympic level athletes from a young age, why can't we train Olympic level CEOs and innovators?< Schooling Shifra was actually part of the an Ivy league for 2 years and transitioned to an online school and TKS full-time. It's all about getting unconventional success by taking an unconventional path< The way the system works just isn't optimized for that (unconventional success). But how do you actually begin to optimize for that< Unicorn People Shifra explains Unicorn people in a similar concept of a unicorn company (a privately held startup company valued at over $1 billion), this is a person who impacts over 1 billion people. And most curiculums in convetional schools does not teach how an individual can impact a billion people. To stay on top, you have to do things the majority of people don’t do. People considered as such are Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Nikola Tesla, and Albert Einstein, to name a few. Empathy on the Scientific Field In terms of Ethics, scientific ethics calls for honesty and integrity in all stages of scientific practice. From reporting results regardless to properly attributing collaborators. This system of ethics guides the practice of science, from data collection to publication and beyond. _The core principle we focus on is just empathy and being able to optimalize for how you train yourself to be more empathetic _< The BCI Developer As a Brain Computer Interface developer, Shifra was exposed with the topic before entering TKS. By reading papers about Neuralink and what Elon Musk was up to, she became fascinated by it, It's such a big paradigm shift from our perception of humanity. Human Intelligence remains very stagnant and to me the technology was super fascinating< A Guide to BCI A brain-computer interface (BCI) is a computer-based system that acquires brain signals, analyzes them, and translates them into commands that are relayed to an output device to carry out a desired action. Brain computer interfaces can be classified in three into three main groups: Invasive, partially Invasive and Non-Invasive _I've only been exposed to non-invasive BCI because partially invasive and fully invasive BCI A) they are super expensive and B) there's a lot of regulations surrounding them. And also we just don't know how they work _< Discomfort Challenge Think of the mind as a muscle that naturally tightens up over time unless it is consciously worked upon. Your personal growth significanlty depends on new challenges and activities. Tackle the fear that has kept you from living your best life. Your mind has a way of rising to the occasion. Challenge it, and it will reward you. Challenge your mind — even making it a little uncomfortable by pushing yourself to learn tasks that may not come naturally. Most things seems impossible until they are done. Give yourself permission to think and act beyong the usual. In TKS, we do a lot of consulting challenges, just to build your understanding of the world< So you know how to navigate (challenges in the real world) them later on< BOOKS Nexus (The Nexus Trilogy Book 1) (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Nexus-Trilogy-Book-1-ebook/dp/B00TOZI7FM/ref=sr_1_1?crid=32OIN6EXVUL7X&keywords=nexus+trilogy&qid=1580117350&s=digital-text&sprefix=nexus+%2Cdigital-text%2C396&sr=1-1) Why Buddhism is True: The Science and Philosophy of Meditation and Enlightenment (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Why-Buddhism-True-Philosophy-Enlightenment-ebook/dp/B01M5IJLOU/ref=sr_1_1?crid=UGYN3VVHI5ZP&keywords=why+buddhism+is+true&qid=1580094835&s=digital-text&sprefix=why+bu%2Caudible%2C338&sr=1-1) Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Nudge-Improving-Decisions-Health-Happiness-ebook/dp/B009KERBQI/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=nudge&qid=1580094986&s=digital-text&sr=1-1) Subscribe! If you enjoyed the podcast please subscribe and rate it. And of course, share with your friends! Special Guest: Shifra Khan.

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