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Feb. 21, 2023

How to slow down time: Naturally improve productivity and reduce stress

How to slow down time: Naturally improve productivity and reduce stress

Life is so busy we get lost in the mad rush, we discuss unconventional ways to both alter our experience of time and get more done

Life is so busy that we get lost in the mad rush, we discuss unconventional ways to both alter our experience of time and get more done.

We only have one life and we can't extend the physical amount of seconds we have. Instead, we look at how to increase the volume of experience we have in those seconds and ways in which we can experientially slow down time using completely natural ideas and processes for the body without any weird stuff. No meditation, no drugs, just common sense.

As someone with ADHD this process has been one of the most useful ideas for self-control and productivity in a way that is enjoyable and logical.

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00:00 Intro about time
01:05 Tiktok as an example of bending time
02:09 Stimulated to do new things
03:17 Making new memories
03:56 Do new stuff
05:35 Memory is like a notepad
07:30 Ride that edge like a surfer rides a wave
10:22 Reframing feelings 
12:36 Public speaking example of reframing fear
13:33 Vippassana example of reframing feelings
14:24 Fasting to reframe your relationship with food and hunger
15:52 Savor those slow moments
16:56 Nir Eyal quote 
17:29 Bob Dylan quote
17:36 Outro

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