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Dec. 13, 2022

Learning faster by doing less

Learning faster by doing less

Trying to do too much is overwhelming and we can learn faster by doing less. We learn how to have more success in our learning goals with a more tactical approach.

Trying to do too much is overwhelming and we can learn faster by doing less. We learn how to have more success in our learning goals with a more tactical approach.

Learning a new skill is so much fun in theory. Yet in reality, it involves doing hard things and being bad at stuff. We can really struggle to stay motivated and struggle to find the time to dedicate to being terrible at something.

What if there was a different way that made things easier to start and yet the achievement more likely? There is.

Skill breaks are one of the most useful concepts I've ever learnt and here I explain what they are and how to start learning more by having fun.

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  • 00:00 - Introduction
  • 01:55 - What is a skill break?
  • 04:51 - Break through initial barriers
  • 08:14 - ADVERT - LinkedIn Jobs
  • 09:44 - Spaced Repetition
  • 10:45 - How to use skill breaks
  • 13:43 - Take homes

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